How Much Does a Chinese Automotive CEO Earn?

How Much Does a Chinese Automotive CEO Earn?

It’s a well known fact that Chinese labor is somewhat cheaper than what is available in the West, however in recent years Chinese salaries have sky rocketed at a rapid pace for the average white collar worker. Entry level jobs for a recent graduate in Shanghai will net around 5000RMB (812USD) per month at the minimum, post grads can look forward to around 8000RMB per month (13,000USD), even more if they have previous work experience and international experience.

So how much does a CEO take in, specifically the CEO of major Chinese automotive companies? Those that are listed on the HK stock exchange have to reveal the director level payment packages so investors can clearly see where their money is going. Of course, some Western CEO’s take a token 1USD salary but have decent stock options instead and we’re sure the situation in China is largely the same in China as well. If they lead the company well their stock returns will be much higher than their salaries and of course have lower tax on them as well.

In 2012 BYD’s billionaire chairman netted a 2.77 million RMB salary (438,525USD), but that was down from his 4 million RMB salary in 2011, of course BYD’s total income was down by around 800 million over the same period so its nice to know that even CEO’s are taking austerity seriously. Wang Chuan Fu nets the highest salary in the Chinese auto business, but the gentlemen is also China’s richest man so his BYD salary is likely chump change to him.

Li Shu Fu, the Chairman of Geely and the brains behind the Volvo saw profit rise 32.2% at the Hangzhou based company, but his salary is just 327,000RMB per year ($53,122USD), probably on par with some of his own mid level white collar staff.

JMC’s GM Chen Yuan Qing hasn’t seen a payrise in three years on his 238,240RMB per year salary (37,500USD), his salary is reportedly paid in USD so he is losing money whilst the RMB appreciates against the USD.

Geely’s CEO Gui Xian Rui brings in just over 2 million RMB with his salary approaching 2.36 million RMB per year, a nice increase over 2011?s salary where he netted 1.96 million, a further 3.41 million RMB was given to him in stocks, bring a total of 5.77 million into Mr. Gui’s bank account. nice.

Great Wall’s Board Chairman Wei Jian Ping’s salary rocketed from 1.74 million RMB to 2.47 million RMB over the course of 2011 to 2012.

Four companies are offering salaries between one million and two million RMB per year: Foton, SAIC, Ningtong and GAC. Ningtong Coach didn’t see any major salary upgrades in 2011, with CEO salary staying at 1.2 million RMB. SAIC’s CEO Chen Hong’s salary jumped from 917,000RMB in 2011 to 1.36 million RMB in 2012.

Foton and GAC saw a salary drop in 2012, probably due to a poor financial show in 2011. Foton’s General Manager Wang Jin Yu saw a salary decrease of 3.1% with a net salary of 1.88 million, Foton’s total income dropped 20.7% in 2012 with profit increasing 17.4%.