Amid threats to exit China, Google announces: we’re hiring

Amid threats to exit China, Google announces: we’re hiring

By Yin Hang

Weeks after Google threatened to leave China over hacking allegations, the search engine giant has posted 40 new openings for jobs at its Beijing, Shanghai and Guangzhou offices.

The company is accepting applications on its website.

Jobs are available in several departments including sales and marketing, human resource management as well as design and engineering.

By late Wednesday, Google China did not respond to email questions sent by the Global Times to confirm the recruitment.

The company recently threatened to exit China after they alleged that people based in the country hacked into its computers and clients’ email accounts. As a result, Google said it would no longer restrict content on its Chinese language site.

Google China remains an ideal company to work with for lots of Chinese engineers.

Zhang Mingyu, 28, an IT engineer from Guangzhou, told the Global Times he admires the company’s work environment and culture.

“You can realize your own dream there,” Zhang said. “So, even if Google China would withdraw from China soon after I work there, it still will be a splendid experience for me.”

Zhang Hao, an IT engineer who worked at Baidu, a competitor of Google, told the Global Times that if Google pays him more money, he would definitely go to Google.

Zhang said that he is not worried about Google leaving China because the Chinese market is valuable.

“Google is a big corporation, so naturally it is good at making news. But at the same time, it knows very well how important China is to its development,” Zhang said.

The Wall Street Journal reported Tuesday that Google representatives and Chinese officials will resume talks about the company’s future in the country.

ZenithOptimedia, one of Google China’s advertising partners, told the Global Times that Google’s clients are looking forward to seeing the company staying here.

“Higher audience rate brings in profits to the search engine. Google China is second to no one but Baidu, so naturally it could maintain a large number of its clients,” said Steven Chang, chief executive officer of ZenithOptimedia office in China.