Overseas Chinese return home to seek jobs

Overseas Chinese return home to seek jobs

An increasing number of overseas-educated Chinese are returning home in search of jobs after graduation.

According to the Ministry of Education, more than 50,000 Chinese students will come back to the country this year, up from 25,000 in 2004.

The World Journal, a Chinese newspaper based in the United States, reported in late November, more overseas-educated Chinese were trying to find jobs back in China, as unemployment rates in other countries increased during the global financial crisis.

A senior state leader said Tuesday the Party and government will try its best to create a favorable working and living environment for them.

“When faced with the tough task of reform and development and fierce international competition in science and technology development, talent is the most important resource we must have,” said Jia Qinglin, chairman of the National Committee of the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC), at the first meeting of a newly elected council of the Western Returned Scholars Association (WRSA) and Chinese Overseas-Educated Scholars Association.

In the past three decades since China’s economic reform and opening-up, an increasing number of Chinese, receiving higher educations abroad, have come back and contributed a lot to the country’s modernization, Jia said.

He said he expected them to also contribute to helping the nation survive international financial turmoil and to maintain moderate economic growth and social stability.

The WRSA, founded in 1913, has 13 branches across the world with more than 11,000 members.

It should play a better role as a bridge among overseas-educated scholars and the government, Jia said.