CPC plans to hire 100,000 college graduates to work in villages

CPC plans to hire 100,000 college graduates to work in villages

BEIJING, (Xinhua) — The Organization Department of the Communist Party of China (CPC) Central Committee has launched a project to make 100,000 college graduates over fives years to work in villages.

The Organization Department will work closely with the ministries of education and finance and the new ministry of human resources and social security to select competent graduates.

Graduates who pass written, oral and physical tests will be dispatched to work as assistants to heads of CPC branches and directors of village committees.

They will be responsible for helping farmers with agricultural technology, raising health awareness and skills, promoting cultural activities and also researching farmers’ complaints.

The graduate’s specialties will be an important reference for the consideration of selection.

The CPC will offer a three-year contract with adequate insurance to selected graduates with bachelor and master degrees. The monthly salaries will vary with the length of service.

Li Yuanchao, head of the Organization Department, urged Party officials at local levels to provide an appropriate environment for the work and lives of graduate workers.

Li said the project was a strategic move for the CPC to train reserve cadres who were acquainted with rural areas.

All qualifying tests to be held during the selection should be transparent to ensure fairness.

Graduates who complete the three-year service will have priority for consideration in civil service post in governments at all levels. Service in rural areas will be added to their accumulated length of service.

The Ministry of Education said the number of college students graduating this year will reach a record 5.59 million, 640,000 more than last year.