Job search about more than sending out CVs, report says

Job search about more than sending out CVs, report says

JOB seekers should adjust their goals rather than continuing to send resumes blindly if they do not receive an employment offer after applying for more than three positions, officials at the Shanghai Employment Promotion Center said yesterday.

According to a report released yesterday by the Shanghai Labor and Social Security Bureau, job offers do not rise proportionately to the number of resumes sent.

A survey conducted by the Shanghai Job Placement Center’s Website, the city’s only government job placement organization, showed the success rate reaches 38.6 percent, the highest, when job seekers apply for three posts, followed by 36.9 percent for two positions.

However, those who apply for more than three positions have less of a chance at receiving a job offer, with the success rate dropping to 26.6 percent when applying for four posts, and 22.5 percent for those applying for more than five jobs.

“Applicants who register for only two or three positions tend to be successful because they usually have a clear objective and they know what kind of jobs are most suitable to their skills,” said Huang He, an analyst in the bureau’s service center.

“In comparison, those who send resumes to more employers are often blind in seeking jobs,” he said. “So if they fail after more than three tries, they should pause and set a career goal for themselves.”

In order to guide applicants, the bureau organized a series of lectures in communities for unemployed individuals. The lectures will continue for one month.

Yesterday’s lecture showed applicants how to obtain more job opportunities.

Lu Danmeng, a senior consultant at the job service center, gave the first lecture to unemployed young people in Hongkou District.

Lu said most people want to become white-collar workers, but that more blue-collar opportunities are available.

She said there are some great job opportunities in Shanghai’s suburbs.

According to the report, a record 501,300 people applied for jobs at the Shanghai Job Placement Center’s Website ( during the third quarter this year. About 168,800 succeeded in finding work.