68% of college graduates land jobs

68% of college graduates land jobs

China is under pressure to find jobs for 6.1 million college students graduating this summer. Efforts from various governments and colleges have had limited success. The Ministry of Education says by July the 1st, 4.15 million, or 68 percent of new graduates have landed job.

China is under pressure to find jobs for 6.1 million college students
graduating this summer.

The number of college students graduating this year increased by 440-thousand, from 5.7 million last year. So far, the employment rate is about the same compared to that of a year ago.

To cope with the pressure of finding jobs for fresh graduates, China has adopted polices to increase employment opportunities.

The Ministry of Education launched a teacher recruitment plan in rural areas, which absorbed 200- thousand graduates. 120-thousand graduates have put their name on the lists to become a soldier in the army, and another 200-thousand graduates have signed contracts with outsourcing enterprises under the program launched by the commerce and education ministries. Meanwhile, 120-thousand graduates will go to rural areas or less-developed western regions to start their career.

Zhang Haoming, Deputy Director of Department of University Students’ Affairs of Ministry of Education said “College graduates who haven’t landed jobs can contact local human resources and social security departments. They can have training, guidance and internships offered by them to find a job as soon as possible.”

The Ministry of Education is vowing to coordinate efforts with other departments concerned to find jobs for 70 percent of graduates by September the 1st.