Archives April 2014

German companies upbeat on China’s future growth

China’s growth slowdown is normal as it is going through an economic transformation period, with the transition offering new opportunities for foreign firms, an official from the German Chamber of Commerce has told Xinhua.

“We expect general growth to slow which is a natural economic development when the reference base is increasing. The switch from a rapid to a more sustainable economic progress in China is the right course,” said Alexandra Voss, executive chairwoman of the German Chamber of Commerce, North China, on Monday evening during an interview.

China is heading in the right direction by rebalancing its economy and slowly introducing consumption as one of the main economic drivers in addition to exports and large-scale investments in infrastructure development like highways and housing, she added.

There are about 4,500 German companies operating in China. Of these, 60 percent are members of the German chamber. In 2013, 400,000 people in China were employed by German companies.

According to the organization’s annual Business Confidence Survey, members of the German chamber are very positive about their business forecast in the coming years. In 2012, 22.4 percent of respondents perceived their business outlook to be improving; in 2013 this rose to 40.5 percent, showing more confidence in the development of the Chinese market.

Chinese President Xi Jinping said during his visit to Germany in late March that China’s internal impetus is driving the country’s sustainable and stable growth, thus providing a huge market and opportunities for its cooperation partners, including Germany.

China needs “German quality”, while Germany’s growth requires the Chinese market and “China speed”, the president said.

During his stay in Germany, Deutsche Bundesbank and People’s Bank of China announced the establishment of a clearing center for transactions with RMB in Frankfurt am Main, the business and financial center of Germany.

“This important step is highly beneficial for many German SMEs doing business with Chinese counterparts by easing financial issues between them and lowering the transition costs of deals,” Voss said.

She predicted that certain strategic industries will grow and offer opportunities during China’s market-oriented reform, such as sustainable urbanization, green building creation and energy saving consultation.

The strong focus of the Chinese government on environment and energy and its decision to put more emphasis on these areas will bring great business opportunities for German companies, she said.

But Voss pointed out that German companies still see themselves confronted with a number of challenges in China such as Intellectual Property Rights protection. They also expect easier and wider market entry for foreign companies.

“We reckon that a successful execution of the reforms will ignite competition, provide more opportunities, and minimize challenges for foreign companies. Then it is only a matter of time before natural market forces facilitate more sustainable growth”, she said.

Jack Ma’s firm buys into financial software company

A company in which Chinese e-commerce billionaire Jack Ma Yun owns 99 percent of has agreed to buy a 20.62 percent stake in the country’s leading financial software company Hundsun Technologies Inc for 3.3 billion yuan ($531.3 million) in cash, Shanghai-listed Hundsun said in a filing on Thursday.

That will give Ma’s investment management firm Zhejiang Finance Credit Network Technology a controlling share of Hundsun, the filing said.

The deal has not been finalized yet and still needs the approval from the Ministry of Commerce.

Analysts said that Ma’s acquisition aims to improve Alibaba Group’s Internet financial services technologically, even though Hundsun tried to emphasize in the filing that the deal has nothing to do with the e-commerce giant, founded by Ma.

“Hundsun does a good job of providing IT services for traditional financial institutions. And the acquisition could help Alibaba obtain certain experience over how to run financing offline directly from Hundsun and further its presence in China’s financial services sector,” said Li Chao, an Internet financing analyst with Beijing-based market research firm iResearch.

Hangzhou-based Hundsun, founded in 1995, provides software solutions to financial clients including banks, insurance firms, brokerages and fund management companies.

According to the company’s annual report, it held a leading position in providing IT services for financial businesses including fund management and banking. The report for last year is not available on the Shanghai bourse.

Upon the completion of the deal, the company and its shareholders will stay independent in terms of human resources, operations, finances and structure, said Hundsun. Its trading will be resumed on Tuesday.

According to the filing, it has no plan of changing current main business in the next 12 months either and the deal will not impact the financial results this year.

But Li said that some of its financial clients may consider turning to Hundsun’s rivals, as Alibaba’s current financial services compete with those offered by traditional financial institutions.

Chinese Internet companies including Alibaba, Baidu and Tencent Holdings, are all stepping up efforts in providing financial services, which has become a big threat to banks, according to Li.

Alibaba set up a financial service platform, named “Zhaocaibao,” in Shanghai Thursday, enabling financial institutions and customers to complete transactions online, news portal reported.

But the firm told the Global Times Thursday evening that it did not hold any press conferences about “Zhaocaibao.”

The deal also raises concerns that Alibaba’s Internet finance company may get access to Hundsun’s financial database and gain an unfair advantage, according to media reports.

Manufacturing data a mixed bag

China’s manufacturers had a mixed performance in March with state-owned companies reporting the first rebound in four months while private firms saw their business plunge to an eight-month low, two separate surveys showed Tuesday.

It was not a surprise that the survey results were divergent, analysts said, generalizing that China’s economy remained on the soft side since the rebound was so limited in scale.

The official Purchasing Managers’ Index, a comprehensive gauge of operating conditions in China’s state-owned industrial companies, ticked up to 50.3 in March from 50.2 a month earlier, according to the National Bureau of Statistics and the China Federation of Logistics and Purchasing.

A reading above 50 means expansion, and the latest rate was the first increase since November.

The components showed that production edged up to 52.7 in March from February’s 52.6, while new orders rose 0.1 point to 50.6, and employment gained 0.3 points to 48.3. Input prices lost 3.3 points to 44.4, indicating little inflationary pressure for the future.

Zhao Qinghe, an analyst with the bureau, said the indices indicated a stabilizing industrial sector in the world’s second-largest economy.

“Chinese manufacturers resumed their businesses after the Spring Festival holiday, which helped push up the official PMI,” Zhao said. “The warming-up demand in external markets also bolstered the headline index, with new export orders returning to growth for the first time since December.”

However, the HSBC PMI, which gauges conditions at mostly private and export-oriented manufacturers, fell to 48 in March, an eight-month low that was down from 48.5 in February.

It marked the third straight month that the HSBC PMI pointed to contracting activities.

Qu Hongbin, chief economist for China at HSBC Holdings Plc, said the latest deterioration was the strongest since July 2013.

“It confirmed the weakness of domestic demand conditions,” Qu said. “This implies that the first-quarter economic growth is likely to fall below the annual target of 7.5 percent.”

Li Maoyu, an analyst at Changjiang Securities Co, said China’s activities were on the soft side even through the official PMI staged a slight rebound. “The increase in the official PMI was so weak that it can’t defy the economic slowdown which was evident in many sectors.”

Huawei overtakes Ericsson in revenue

Shenzhen-based Huawei Technologies Ltd surpassed arch rival Ericsson Inc for the first time in 2013 after it posted an 8 percent rise in revenue to 239 billion yuan (US$38.4 billion), China’s biggest telecommunications equipment maker said Monday.

Huawei, which last year posted the fastest profit growth in four years, also expects revenue to grow 10 percent annually from this year to US$70 billion in 2018.

Huawei’s net profit rose 34.4 percent to 21 billion yuan last year as it benefited from a steady carrier business and rapidly growing enterprise and consumer activities.

Its revenue in 2013 beat Ericsson’s US$35.3 billion revenue.

“Thanks to the favorable global macro-economic and industry environment, as well as the effective execution of our company strategy, Huawei achieved our business targets for 2013,” Eric Xu, Huawei’s chief executive, said in a statement.

Huawei, now the world’s No. 3 smartphone maker, benefits from companies investing heavily in cloud and mobile computing as well as selling more telecom devices and smartphones, industry insiders said.

Although Huawei’s carrier network business grew only 4 percent, it still accounted for 166.5 billion yuan or 70 percent of its total income. The enterprise business surged 32 percent while the consumer business, including the phone unit, jumped 18 percent last year.

China’s ‘Apple City’ – Assembling iPhones In The Urban Shadows

Employees who toil long hours for low wages at the Chinese factories that assemble the iPhone are part of the dark side of the country’s rush to urbanization.

“Apple City,” where the Foxconn factories build the iPhone and other products for California-based Apple, is a strange new town, a patchwork of defaced countryside and overpopulated urban areas on the outskirts of southern Zhengzhou.

When the Taiwanese company Foxconn’s factories and their 300,000 workers established themselves here in the capital of the Henan province two years ago, the area was deeply disrupted by a chaotic urban boom. Some villages were destroyed, others were pierced by four-lane avenues, and corn fields are still surrounded by contruction sites.

In Dazhai, one of the villages at the edge of the immense square factory buildings, farmers just finished hastily building three-story, cube-shaped brick towers that offer “standard rooms, with hot water and Internet.” The little streets between them, paved with poor-quality concrete or simply covered with clay, are swarming with young people.

Needless to say, the village landlords are very happy. “Business is running smoothly,” murmurs a slightly stout woman whose family rents 62 rooms, each for for 600 yuan ($100) a month.

Apart from the few workers unwilling to stay in the dormitory or who live with their partners, these slumlords put up the thousands of employees and students attracted by this sweat economy with tiny profit margins and fierce competition. Though they are underpaid, Foxconn employees do spend in the local economy. But already, the barracks are in a pitiful state.

Apple City is in the early stages of urbanization, where nothing is made to last, with inadequate infrastructure and poor-quality material. “It seems like a joyful place after work with lots of young people,” says Liu Yang, a 27-year-old man from Sanmexia, a town bordering the Yellow River west of Zhengzhou. “Everybody has fun, but don’t go by appearances.”

Liu is distraught by this incredible concentration of young proletarians left to their own devices. He himself had become a supervisor at Foxconn and had managed to save a little nest egg, but he tried to start a business and lost everything. He’s now back at square one as an unqualified worker.

Inside the factory, discipline is sacred. But off duty, the law of the jungle prevails. In other words, the workers can’t rely on the police or on security forces to help them if they have a problem. A small mafia network is sucking the lifeblood out of the most fragile ones.

What, you don’t want to work here?

Perhaps unsurprisingly, Foxconn is having trouble recruiting workers. Xiao Bing, a former employee who owns a small recruitment agency, complains about how difficult it is to find “clients.” At best, he finds one or two per day. To interview, applicants need only an ID card. The maximum age of candidates was raised from 35 to 40, because people “are in constant transit,” he says.

One worker, 36-year-old Wang, a strong man with short graying hair, says he initially wanted his wife and son to come here and join him. “But it’s unthinkable,” he says. He comes from a rural area in the north of the province, where he left a steel mill job he found was too “hard” and “dirty.”

It didn’t take him long to become disillusioned at Foxconn. For starters, the dormitory is an hour away by bus and costs him 900 yuan ($150) a month, food included. Without extra hours, he is left with 1,000 yuan ($165 dollars) after tax per month, less than at the steel mill, where he earned 3,000 yuan monthly for eight-hour workdays. “They’re robbers,” he says of his new employer.

Wang’s crushed hope is telling. By bringing factories closer to pools of workers — such as in Henan, a poor province with close to 95 million inhabitants — industrial relocations were supposed to facilitate the urbanization of local migrants. But for these young workers, ending up in a dormitory in their region of origin tastes more like defeat than social promotion.

“I earn less here than I did working in electronics in Shanghai in 2008,” Xiadeng says angrily as he sits on the upper mattress of a bunk bed in the room he shares with five other workers. And these living conditions don’t exactly encourage job retention.

And yet, the airport economic zone in which Foxconn is located is undergoing a massive administrative reorganization. Established in 2013 as a new district of Zhengzhou, its population is expected to rise from 600,000 to four million.

Citizens in transit

The goal for the zone is to “avoid being too dependent on Foxconn and to vary the types of industries,” explains Liu Shaojun, professor of urbanism at Zhengzhou University. Five years from now, some villages will have been razed and absorbed by the suburbs. Their population will have been relocated. There will also be social housing, but not for those who work at Foxconn. “For that, they would need to have the same rights as people who live in the city, but they move too much,” he explains.

Indeed, Foxconn employees are officially still living in their hometowns because none of the numerous localities situated around the factories would be able to legally integrate that many new inhabitants in one go. Besides, those villages, where the land is owned collectively, are self-managed. The inhabitants, who are responsible for the infrastructures, don’t care about urban rationality or the environment. Only profits matter.

This ecosystem enables Foxconn to build iPhones at an enviable cost. “Quality” urbanization promoted by Chinese leaders is not a consideration for Foxconn or for the local authorities. “The dominant approach in China is very pragmatic,” explains Chinese studies expert Chloé Froissard. “Big cities integrate those they’re interested in, who have qualifications or take care of themselves. There is no logic of welfare state or of equal rights.”

In the karaoke rooms set up in the cellars of the dormitories, the young workers maintain that they have no intention to rot in Apple City. Of course, they would like to live in Zhengzhou, but their priority is to save money before trying to obtain an urban “hukou” (China’s domestic passport and household registration system). They are frightened of unemployment.

“If there’s no more work, I’ll have nothing left,” says Liu Yang, the former supervisor. “At least with my hukou, I’ll always have a piece of land.” In the meantime, like hundreds of thousands of others, he will have to make do with being a citizen in transit.