Archives April 2007

The Responsibilites Of A Recruiter

When you first start recruiting, the world is your oyster. You get the opportunity to help people find jobs, a noble way to earn your bread and one that promises a good living if you work hard.

Making phone calls, meeting with candidates, and finding new ways to uncover resumes is all part of the fun. Most people enjoy taking your calls, and in terms of respectability, most people really do like recruiters. Ask any parent, and the job of recruiter is a very respectable one. You may not be a doctor, but you help people and you make money.

But very soon, the recruiter runs into the hard facts about employment. The control of the process is all in your mind. The real task of recruiting is not finding candidates or finding job orders, but rather making a connection between an employer and a job-seeker. And at the end of the day, working with people is infinitely harder than working with widgets.

After 3 months or so of getting battered and bruised and quite honestly, failing to place people, as many recruiters do, most newbies start to wish for a job that is less sales oriented and more creative. Recruiting is hard work, but it’s not always smart work.

Maybe this is why so many experienced recruiters are jaded. Having seen the employment process up close, they know that is is unpredictable, and that keeping your word is not a valued commodity for hiring managers or jobseekers when their job is on the line.

It’s a results-driven business. If you want to eat, you do what you can to survive, and that hardens you. You can’t afford to let emotion get into your decision-making process, but emotion is exactly the right selling technique you need to be successful.

So the question this leads to are what are your responsibilities as a recruiter? The client pays you, and so perhaps your responsibility lies in helping them? The problem is you have many clients, and so who gets your best effort? How do you manage your time?

And what about the candidate? Surely they are a client, too? But they don’t pay you, and you can’t afford to be their career counselor in any meaningful way, especially when their job is to get a job, not make you money.

There is no single answer to this question – there is no should here that can be defended. There is no “one right way” that protects all parties and leads to a gleaming city on the hill of profit, respectability, and happy clients. Every situation is different, and in the end, everyone gets burned at some time.

So the real question is not, what is your responsibility as a recruiter, but rather, what is your responsibility to yourself.

Financial Controller – a Sino-German joint venture

Company introduction: Our client was found in June 2004. It is a Sino-German joint venture. The total investment is 5 million EUROs. The German partner has 75% and the Chinese partner has 25% shares. Its main products are automotive mirrors. The German partner, headquarter in Fuerth Germany, is a company well-known for manufacturing automotive mirrors and specialized flat glass products. It has many well known customers like Magna, Schefenacker, Ficosa etc. The Shanghai branch has all the technical support from HQ Germany. The Chinese partner is one of the leading rear view mirror producer in China and a supplier for most of automotive companies in China.

Job Description:
Report To: GM_(German People)
Location: Shanghai Jinshan
1.Take in charge of the budgeting related work where all the required input is mostly related to production performance and production costs.
2.Investigate the situation from budget.
3.Direct costs (consumables, raw material, labour, transport, energy and others) per piece
i.per production step
4.Stock levels
5.CAPEX situation (Investments)
6.Controlling the costs and raises a finger when anything is noticed what is not according to plan.
7.Investigating, collecting information on the shop floor, setting up data collection systems where improvements are necessary
8.Other tasks assigned by GM.

Job Requirements:
1.Bachelor degree in finance, in costing / cost management
2.English: Written and spoken CET-6 (English is a must requirements)
3.Minimum 2 to 3 years experience in a production company
4.High working accuracy
5.High self-motivation

Supply Chain Manager – a Sino-German joint venture

Company introduction: Our client was found in June 2004. It is a Sino-German joint venture. The total investment is 5 million EUROs. The German partner has 75% and the Chinese partner has 25% shares. Its main products are automotive mirrors. The German partner, headquarter in Fuerth Germany, is a company well-known for manufacturing automotive mirrors and specialized flat glass products. It has many well known customers like Magna, Schefenacker, Ficosa etc. The Shanghai branch has all the technical support from HQ Germany. The Chinese partner is one of the leading rear view mirror producer in China and a supplier for most of automotive companies in China.

Job Description:
Report To: Operation Manager
Location: Shanghai Jinshan
1.Planning, scheduling, ordering and arranging transport of raw material (glass & Tape)
2.Raw material warehousing organization and management of related warehouse staff
3.Processing information about customer orders, forecasts, schedules, stock levels of finished goods at company / consignment stocks / vendor managed inventories, production capacities into production orders.
4.Sequencing and release of production orders is done by production planner in the production department.
5.Follow up production orders closely together with production planner.
6.Keeping close contact with planning/scheduling personnel at customer side. Especially when the supply situation might get tight.
7.Planning, organizing, overviewing dispatch of transports of finished goods to our customers.
8.Transport company selection based on costs, service level, speed.
9.Constantly updating the person(s) in charge of purchasing supplementary materials about the production schedules.

Job Requirements:
1.Bachelor degree. Studies should have contained subjects about logistics,production planning, scheduling and warehouse management
2.Minimum 3 to 5 years experience in same or at least similar position
3.English : Written and spoken CET-6( Must requirement)
4.High working accuracy
5.High self-motivation
6.Evidence of successful trouble shooting
7.Extrovert character

* Please send us your complete resume (both in Chinese and in English) to:
‘'(Please replace “#” with “@”)

College grads offered rural jobs

THE city is recruiting more than 500 recent college graduates to work in local rural areas as teachers, doctors and government officials to aid social development, the Shanghai Personnel Bureau announced yesterday.

The graduates will be dispatched to the city’s 10 less-developed suburban districts such as Nanhui, Qingpu, Fengxian, and Chongming County for at least two years.

Each applicant that passes an academic test and a physical check will be granted a living allowance of 1,790 yuan (US$224) each month, plus an annual government bonus of 7,000 yuan to 18,800 yuan.

That puts their monthly income at 2,000 yuan or more in the first year – higher than the city average for new college graduates.

“We offer a favorable package to make the rural positions an attractive choice for graduates struggling in the fierce job market,” said Chen Hao, the personnel bureau’s vice director.

He added that the bureau was also building a talent database to track elite graduates with the hopes of enticing them into a career as senior civil servants.

The bureau doesn’t guarantee the graduates a job after their rural service ends, officials said.

Last year, the bureau posted 500 similar medical, teaching and government administration positions in rural areas.

However, only 259 positions were filled due to a shortage of qualified applicants, especially in the medical sector.

Bureau officials said they were not sure if all the positions would be filled this year.

Labor switch for expats

EXPATRIATES who have a labor dispute with their employer will need to apply for government mediation at the Shanghai Labor Arbitration Committee from next month.

The city’s new labor arbitration regulation takes effect on May 1, the Shanghai Labor and Social Security Bureau said yesterday.

The new regulation states that employees usually filed a labor arbitration application at district-level mediation committees where the company is located.

Sui Wei, vice director of the bureau’s arbitration division, said that the clear division would enable government mediation to work more efficiently.

Cases involving foreigners, employees from Hong Kong, Macau and Taiwan, as well as foreign invested companies with registered capital of US$10 million or above, will only be accepted at the city-level committee.

But the Pudong New Area Arbitration Committee will also be allowed to handle cases involving big foreign-invested companies registered in the district.

Previously, no division was made about where cases would be handled.

Overseas applicants should file in written form within 60 days of a dispute. A work contract and work permit are required, officials said.

The Shanghai Labor Arbitration Committee is at 45 Anyuan Road.

A Good Sales Recruiter is Worth Its Weight In Gold.

Often times we come across companies that are looking to hire sales people but don’t recognize the value of an outside sales recruiting service. The reason is because they are experienced hiring managers. Certainly most sales managers, one of their key capabilities is to hire good people, but getting to those people is half the battle. This is where a good recruiting company can help. A good head hunter knows how to go in and access the best talent, where ever it may be, including companies which you could not approach directly and can make the difference between hiring B and C players for your company, those who are out looking for a job, and hiring A players, those who typically aren’t out looking for a job.

The results between hiring a B or C player and hiring an A player can be truly astounding. Particularly in the sales arena, a top produce is one who can produce several times the amount of sales as a B or C player. Getting to those people is no easy task and that’s where seeking outside assistance can make a real difference. What’s the bottom line impact? Sometimes it can be worth several million dollars of incremental sales for your company per year. Can you afford not to hire the best in your business? If you really are trying to grow and take your company to the next level, it’s important that you don’t settle for less than the best. This is why a head hunter is so critical to bringing you the talent that you need in order to grow your company.

Taiwan Funded Companies Top Labor Law Violators

The Zhuhai Labor and Social Insurance Department has concluded after their two years of labor inspections that Taiwan companies who run businesses in Zhuhai have ranked highest in labor law violations.

Local media reports that ZLSID says many of the bosses from these Taiwan companies have inadequate legal knowledge and they therefore tend to ignore the rights and interests of the workers and of their own social responsibility.

ZLSID has checked and punished 26 companies that had refused to execute the minimum wage or asked employees to work overtime. Of those, 11 are Taiwan funded companies. Some officials from the labor department say that most of the Taiwan companies are labor intensive enterprises, so they face a shortage of labor, and that’s why they often asked the employees to work extra hours. Besides, as the bosses of these companies know little about the mainland’s labor laws or they intentionally disregard the employees’ rights, they pay the employees less or even deduct money their salaries.

ZLSID says it will now focus on fixing the illegal behavior of Taiwanese companies as the next stage of its work.

Supply Chain Manager – a global, diversified, fortune 500 company

Company introduction:
Our client is a global, diversified, fortune 500 company that provides vital products and services to customers in manufactory. Located in a dedicated manufacturing facility of 14,000 square metres with a highly trained and dedicated workforce of over one hundred people we are capable of producing safety valve world-wide having the experience of both Chinese, American and European engineering staff, solely involved in safety relief flow control design and applications. Our client is now looking for capable people to fill the following positions. Our client offers training and development opportunity, competitive salary and compensation.

Report To: General Manager

1.Lead logistics team to release purchase order on timely basis, under therequirement plan of materials, aiming at no material shortage and required inventory turn.
2.Work with MPP to review and maintain requirement plan of materials according to master production schedule.
3.Assure vendor OTD through regularly confirming and tracking individual PO status by means of telephone conference call, visiting vendors, and other effective activities.
4.Communicate PO status with planning, warehouse, mfg.
5.Set up a discipline to assure correct item, pricing, qty, dock time ofPO.
6.Lead and push logistics team members to stay in frequent contact with vendors for vendor improvement in OTD and required quality.
7.Lead logistics team to set up PO model in respect of terms, PO format,VMI, Kanban operation.
8.Work with master production planner to determine MTS products, Kanban size, safety stock level, aiming at inventory turn.
9.Forecast PO arriving/receiving on weekly and monthly basis in terms of value, qty, item, PO#, etc.
10.Measure vendor performance in OTD, lead time.
11.Certify vendors according to ISO 9001 procedure.
12.Evaluate item pricing and assure pricing competitiveness.
13.Maintain item pricing with assistance of IT engineer.
14.Approve and sign contract and agreement with vendors.

1.Bachelor of Science in Mechanical/Electronic Engineering or equivalent, additional professional education is preferred.
2.Minimum 3 years related experience, preferably in mechanical products manufacturing companies. A minimum of 1 years in supervisory roles.
3.Understand market pricing of casting, forging, steel bar. Have knowledge of foundry, forging, steel bar, machining process, heat treat, coating.
4.Active team player and good communicator with people.
5.Aggressive in asking but artfully.
6.Logical and analytical thinking.
7.Enjoy socializing with vendors for OTD and quality improvement.
8.Professional in negotiation.
9.Good at determining contract terms, commercial risk analysis and control.
10.Understand MRP theory and principle.
11.Understand vendor management inventory model.
12.Have proven experience of same or similar position in material logistics.

* Please send us your complete resume (both in Chinese and in English) to:
‘’(Please replace “#” with “@”)

General Manager – One European Hand Tools Company

Company£ºOne European Hand Tools Company
Location: Shanghai

2.35-50 years old
3.Proven moral and ethical standing
4.Strong attitude to management
5.Capability to work in team as a leader
6.The knowledge of hand tools business will be a preferred feature
7.Brilliant spirit, always rich in new ideas and new opportunities
8.Perfect English language
9.Attitude to frequent travels, even in Europe
10.Capability to find and create the correct team of people for the start up of a new Company
11.Experiences in marketing and sales
12.Knowledge of logistics matters
13.Knowledge of Chinese legal aspects for the Company management

* Please send us your complete resume (both in Chinese and in English) to:

Siemens’ China Healthcare Project Answers Clinton Global Initiative

Siemens will invest a total of US$10 million over the next five years to achieve sustainable improvements in healthcare in rural areas of China.

The project is a Siemens contribution to the Clinton Global Initiative to support poorer regions in threshold countries.

An agreement on the project was signed by Siemens and the Shaanxi Bureau of Health. Zhang Huaixi, vice chairman of the Chinese People’s Consultative Conference; Dr. Richard Hausmann, president and CEO of Siemens China; Dr. Siegfried Russwurm, member of the executive management of Siemens Medical Solutions; and Dr. Bernd Ohnesorge, president and CEO of Siemens China Medical Solutions, all took part in the signing ceremony held in the Great Hall of the People in Beijing.

“All people, regardless of their status or origin, should have access to high-quality healthcare. This is an important prerequisite for a peaceful and just society. We are especially pleased when leading companies like Siemens provide their competence for such efforts,” commented Zhang Huaixi.

With the help of pilot projects, a pool of valuable experience will be built up for giving people in rural regions of China better access to high-quality healthcare. In this project, Siemens will focus on developing tailored solutions to meet the specific needs of local healthcare organizations.

Siemens will initially outfit a number of pilot hospitals with diagnostic equipment, beginning with the first facility in Luochuan County in Yan’an, in the Shaanxi Province. This equipment will include ultrasound and x-ray systems as well as computed tomography imaging systems. Not far away from each rural hospital, Siemens will equip six urban health centers with x-ray and ultrasound systems. Siemens will maintain the technical infrastructure once it is in place.

The project, headed by China’s Ministry of Health, is part of the Clinton Global Initiative, which brings together key figures from politics and business, as well as wealthy individuals and philanthropists, to jointly tackle challenges faced by societies