Archives April 2007

Technical Manager

Company introduction:
Client Company is the region’s powerhouse of aluminum extrusion, offering comprehensive solutions in design and engineering, extrusion, surface finishes, fabrication and delivery. The Company is one of the largest private aluminum businesses in Asia, serving the infrastructure, transportation, industrial and home improvement sectors. In 2000, the Group formed a strategic alliance with the second largest extruder in the US, this strategic alliance results in the world’s second largest combined capacity.
The Group has made further advances into new aluminum product areas, including flat rolled products with a planned production capacity of 400,000 metric tons. The production capacity will be located in the newly built avant-garde platform, an aluminum city in the neighboring city Zhaoqing, Guangdong.

Location:Zhaoqing, Guangdong

1 Metal material, non-ferrous metallurgy-related professionals, undergraduate or higher. A MBA degree enthusiast preferred.
2. Age over 40 years old, the young and vibrant learning ability, understand the ISO.
3. Aluminum industry in a more than three years of technology management, production management, production planning experience, quality management and to solve practical problems.
4. Proficiency in English can read technical information and to a certain extent the ability to speak English.
5. A foreign background.

* Please send us your complete resume (both in Chinese and in English) to:
‘'(Please replace “#” with “@”)

Leadership – 12 Ways To Tell Your People They’re Important

There’s an old saying¡± ¡°Your actions shout so loud I can’t hear what you’re saying.¡±

Many managers feel constrained by the rules and regulations of their organizations. They feel that their hands are tied when it comes to rewarding their people ¨C that their actions are controlled by others, and there is little of any real value they can do to motivate their people. Leaders understand that recognition and reward applied on a one on one level is essential to success.

They understand the greatest sense of accomplishment and importance often comes from non ¨C monetary actions and rewards, and from positive recognition from the person who is the boss.

What are the ways to make your people know they are important?

Way #1 ¨C You have to believe the work performed by your people is important. This may sound pretty basic, but if you do not really believe that, there is simply no way you can convince your people that what they do is important.. How often have your heard ¨C or been guilty of saying ¨C or thinking ¨C ¡°Oh, she¡¯s just the receptionist¡± or, ¡°He’s just the janitor¡± or ¡°They’re just trainees¡± or ¡°They’re just a staff weenie¡±?

Way #2 ¨C Expect the best from everyone, and settle for nothing less. Nothing makes people feel more important than high expectations for their performance. Just make sure they share in setting the expectations.

Way #3 ¨C Create goals that are shared and that show the tie in of individual work with the success of the organization.

Way #4 ¨C Select the best ¨C in every opening you have. Use every tool you can to ensure that you have made a good decision on who you select.. Your people watch carefully to see who you pick ¨C involve them in the selection process. If your actions communicate that you are not careful about who you select, your people will see that as a direct reflection on themselves.

Way #5 ¨C Make sure you are your people¡¯s institutional champion! What’s that mean? When their pay is wrong, you act to get it right. When their reviews are scheduled, you act to ensure they are done accurately and on time. When their raises are due, you make sure they are handled properly and on time. Jealously guard your relationship as the go to person for your people ¨C the institutional support people can help, but you are the person you want your people to seek out.

Way #6¨C Be absolutely intolerant of unsafe, disruptive or other negative behaviors. Act on them quickly and decisively, and never let your people see you knowingly ignore a bad situation. It will not go away, regardless how much ¡°wish’in and hop’in and pray’in¡± you might do.

Way #7 ¨C Remember that trust and respect are not the same thing as being liked. It is nice to be liked, it is absolutely essential that your people trust and respect you. As a comedian said: ¡°If you want to be liked, get a dog.¡±

Way #8 – Cultivate a climate of civility for your people. In your relationships with your people, ensure your actions and theirs reflect a fundamental respect for each other, and for all the others they come in contact with.

Way #9 ¨CGet everyone of your people some form of self development activity on a regular basis. It may be a seminar, it may be tuition refund, it may be a book, it may be a CD set, it may be a Community College course ¨C it does not have to be expensive and time consuming, but the act of creating added value through the investment of personal effort supported by organizational resources is a powerful way to say you care.

Way #10 ¨C Respect your people’s time ¨C it’s their most valuable asset. Start meetings on time, end them on time, keep meeting commitments. Do what you have to do to ensure your people have access to as much of their work time as possible.

Way #11¨C Keep the rules and policies to an absolute minimum. If you have a workable set of cultural and organizational ¡°Way¡¯s Of Doing Things¡± you have the basis for treating your people with individual regard. If you have managers that are not comfortable doing that, either they change or get different managers

Way #12¨C Celebrate all the successes ¨C create the opportunity for group recognition to happen all over the place ¨C if Safety is an issue, create a Safety Award process that celebrates progress.Make the events frequent, and the rewards modest ¨C but do it all the time. Frequency of awards and the opportunity for celebration are as important, actually more important, than the annual lunch or dinner or whatever. Make it fun. Make it part of your enterprise.

Did you notice one thing about all 12 Ways? Not one of them deals with lots of money, or more capital, or new policies or procedures. All do require beliefs and behaviors ¨C and they are the most challenging, most high leverage efforts we can make to improve our organizations. It’s always tempting to do a feel good seminar, or buy something ¨C or take some action that shows just how committed we are. But the truth is that the way to greater success is through a focused, day to day effort to improve the level of commitment of the people in an organization, and that takes hard work and the acceptance of change. If you can see Ways that can help you organization or your work group or yourself in this article, take them and run with them ¨C they are the basis for successful managers becoming successful leaders.

Asia Pacific Marketing Director

Our client provides leading Product Lifecycle Management (PLM), content management and dynamic publishing software solutions to thousands of companies worldwide. Customers include many of the world’s most innovative companies in manufacturing, publishing, services, government and life sciences industries. As a leading supplier of PLM and EAM solutions for companies of all sizes, our client enables manufacturing, services, publishing, and government organizations to optimize the development of physical and information products.

Location: Shanghai
1.This position requires a passion for enterprise level, high tech, business-to-business, international marketing.
2.A major function of this role is to bring together the corporate and regional business and marketing objectives.
3.The position can be located in the United States (Boston), Japan (Tokyo), or China (Shanghai). Extensive travel is required; roughly 1/3 of your time in each location. There are four direct reports and their teams, responsible for regional marketing in Japan, Greater China, Korea and India.
4.The AP marketing organization is responsible for development of brand communication plans that will affect the uptake and retention of software and services, plus the delivery to audiences that include the press, public bodies, local communities, & customers, prospects, and employees.
5.The position also includes planning and execution of programs and campaigns in a timely and cost effective way that projects the brand position, generates response and creates demand.
6.The candidate is expected to be able to work on unusually complex problems and provides solutions that are highly creative requiring state of the art technical knowledge.
7.The candidate will often be viewed as the in-house expert on specific systems, processes, and/or technologies. They will be expected to use independent judgments to accomplish objectives. Plus they will need to contribute to, and often lead the development of organization¡¯s goals and objectives.
8.It is a plus if the candidate has some enterprise level sales experience and extensive technology marketing experience, including an active understanding of roles such as marketing strategy, market research, direct marketing, public relations, lead generation marketing, event marketing, web marketing, reference marketing, marketing communications, and localization.
9.It is also a plus if the candidate has studied engineering and/or marketing and speaks one of the local languages.
10.In this position you will be coaching others between 70%-80% of time.

1.Degree: Bachelors Required and Masters Preferred.
2.Marketing or Related Experience (including management experience required below): 12-15 years.
3.Marketing Management Experience: 3-7 Years.

– Span of control: is one or more departments; 5-25 direct and indirect employees; typically manages managers.
– Report Types: Associate to Manager, Reports Relationships: VP or SVP.
– Liaison within the company: Interacts primarily with Specialist through EVP level internal and external to their department and internal and external to their organization; typically acts as department(s) leader.
– Liaison with customers: Interacts primarily with customers at the Junior and Senior Engineer, IT Specialists, Managers, Directors, VP¡¯s and CXO¡¯s (principal, manager, fellow, director, and VP levels.)
– Problem Complexity: Is often viewed as the in-house expert on specific systems, processes, and/or technologies. Uses independent judgments to accomplish objectives.
– Strategy and Goal Impact: Contributes to and often leads the development of departmental and organizational goals and objectives (metrics and plans).
– Liability Potential: Significant liability potential in case of inaccuracy. Failure to achieve results or erroneous decisions or recommendations would normally result in failure to reach goals crucial to significant organizational objectives and would profoundly affect the short term productivity/image of the organization.
– Global Responsibility: Responsibility within one country or limited geography;
– Cost responsibility; 500K or greater.
– Performance and Role Expectations: Star performance in 3 roles from professional track, Solid to High in 5-6 additional roles from Professional track. Star in two manager/leader related role;
– Time Management: General management / Coaching others: between 50% of time, Program development 25%, Marketing Delivery 25%.
– Travel Requirements: Frequent

* Please send us your complete resume (both in Chinese and in English) to:
‘'(Please replace “#” with “@”)

Benchmark deal for mothers in workforce

FEMALE employees will earn the same salary during pregnancy and while nursing, according to amendments to a women’s rights law.

The amended law was adopted at the 35th Session of the 12th Shanghai People’s Congress which sat yesterday.

The Protection of Women’s Rights and Interests states that pregnant or nursing women can be moved to a new post but must keep the same pay.

“The previous law just stipulated that their basic wages must remain the same and their work contracts cannot be terminated,” said Song Zhongbei, director of the female affairs division in the Shanghai Trade Union.

“So some enterprises reduced salary to the minimum wage after arranging a new post for the pregnant worker.

“But nowadays the basic wage only accounts for a very small portion of the total salary, so it is necessary to amend the law.”

The law also states that pregnant or nursing workers are entitled to have their work load and work time reduced.

Employees should also get at least 80 percent of their salary when on maternity leave.

The amendments state that enterprises should hold women’s health checks at least once every two years, and the government will organize regular checks for retired women.

The incidence of breast cancer in the city has increased in the past 30 years, Song said.

In 1972, 17.7 women out of every 100,000 developed breast cancer. In 2004 it was 55.66 out of 100,000.

“So we suggest enterprises hold health checks for women every year if possible, in order to ensure treatment for the disease, which is a major cause of death among women,” Song said.

Extra break

The law also suggests enterprises sign a special contract with female employees to guarantee their rights and interests.

“The special contracts represent the different cultures of enterprises,” Song said.

The Shanghai Diesel Engine Co gives women employees more than seven months’ pregnant an hour’s extra break time a day.

More than 30,000 enterprises have signed special contracts with female employees, covering about 700,000 women in the city.

Chinese, Swiss minds unite

THE city’s top universities will be assisted in funds and human resources by a Swiss science organization.

Fudan and Tongji universities are on the recipient list, according to yesterday’s Science and Technology Forum, which has the theme “Innovation for the Future.”

The event was hosted by the Consulate General of Switzerland in Shanghai and the Science and Technology Commission of Shanghai Municipality. The Swissnex Shanghai, a science and technology center founded by the Swiss Education and Research Institution, an affiliated organization with the Consulate General of Switzerland in Shanghai, will begin operations in autumn.

About six Chinese and six Swiss scientists will work in the center, promoting cooperation between the top universities in the two countries.

The center will set up a foundation to award outstanding scientists from the universities. Students who make innovations in science and technology will also be rewarded.

“It’s the first time that we have set up such a science and technology center in Shanghai,” said Charles Kleiber, secretary of the institution.

“We chose Shanghai as the priority city because it has many common grounds with Switzerland, a place with a huge population and little resources, but always making efforts to promote innovations in science and technology.”

Channel Marketing Manager (mkt/185/sh)

Company introduction: Our client is located in the biggest in size and most modern bottling
factory in Asia among FM CG network. It covers 100,000 square meters and has a staff population of nearly 1000 permanent employees. The company has developed itself into a total beverage company with 2 main categories of products. They have long-standing belief that their business should bring benefit and refreshment to their communities. They are committed to their role as a good neighbor and responsible citizen.
They see people as the most valued asset.

Job Description:
Report To:Marketing Director
Location:Shanghai Jinqiao
The objective of this position is to link between brand marketing and sales to drive a profitable volume growth by executing appropriate marketing strategies in alignment with consumer/purchaser behavior and consumer needs within all existent channels. This is to be done by activating the right brands in the right package at the right price point with the right picture of success including the right locations, brand messages and promotion.
1.Channel understanding, information collection and analysis.
2.Annual channel strategy plan development and implementation.
3.Channel activation standard and guideline.
4.Channel program development/implement/tracking/evaluation.
5.Daily Operation / Brand, Pack,RTA Strategy, Development & Execution Enforcement.
6.Channel / Customer / Competitive Intelligence & DME Investment Assessment.
Job Requirements:
1.Bachelor degree or above;
2.At least 5 years relevant experiences of Channel Development or Trading Marketing in FMCG industry with minimum 2-year on managerial-level positions;
3.Mature, optimistic, accountable, willing to work under pressure;
4.Proficient in both oral and written English(CET6/TEM4/TEM8)£»
5.Good command of computer skills (Word, Excel, Power Point,Lotus Notes, and etc).

* Please send us your complete resume (both in Chinese and in English) to:
‘'(Please replace “#” with “@”)

Measure and Control Human Resources Performance

The business success is about taking right people to the right place on right time. So what is the problem? Actually, if you need to manage not one, but five employees or better five groups of employees, then you face the problem of measuring and control. It’s hard to tell whether one group is performing better or not, it becoming hard to compare one employees success against other one, it’s hard to see the unique features of people. So what the solution is? The key metrics and key indicators, which will tell you how to manage your stuff right.

There are two approaches I suggest to take into account when thinking about human resources (HR) at your company. First, you can think in terms of process, second you can think it terms of how do employees affect the whole business.

The processes of working with employees include: hire, education, management, retire. All the stages must be processes carefully, as they could fully change your business. For instance, if you will have the best system to hire stuff, but it will be working slowly, then you will fail. If your education system will allow to train everyone, but will not allow to check the actual performance generated by training processed, then you will fail. If your best people will retire, then you will lose.

So, that’s why it’s really important to measure and control all processes involved into employees relationship. People who you work with, should understand what your goals are and how they will help to achieve these goals. This is the key idea of manage and control in employees management processes.

Another approach is focusing on how someone’s job affect the company. It’s obvious that even if someone works in a Sales then he or she will affect not only the financial part of the business by generating sales, but also all other parts.

For instance, sales person will be involved in entire company processes, such as education and knowledge sharing. This person will also work directly with customers, so he or she might not just sale, but get a valuable feedback from end users of your product. These people will also help your company to grow not just in terms of sales, but in terms of better business processes and business efficiency.

So how to measure and control HR department at your company. The answer is very simple – you should develop some key indicators that will represent company business and then pay attention to what is working good and what should be changed. There are many names for this system, for instance KPI (Key Performance Indicators) or Balanced Scorecard. The result is having the clear view of what is going to happen in company and how it will steam-line your business.

What should be the first step? Actually, I think you have already had some important information for scorecard. For instance, you have document called “mission”, this is a general definition of your principles, you can some business goals, you have business processes described and formalized. What you need now is to gather all this important information into a easy to manage system, which will take in account the importance of each metrics. This system (Balanced Scorecard or KPI) will help to manage and control the performance of your HR department.

Bayer Signs MOU With China Europe International Business School

Bayer has signed a memorandum of understanding with the China Europe International Business School to work together to develop and enhance best practices in the chemical and pharmaceutical sectors in China, which have grown rapidly in recent years.

Bayer Technology and Engineering (Shanghai) Company Ltd. (BTES), a subsidiary of Bayer Technology Services of Leverkusen, Germany, signed the MOU with CEIBS a month after Bayer and the CEIBS established the “Bayer Chair in Strategy and Marketing” as well as the “CEIBS Center for Health Policy and Management.”

A key element of the MOU is the joint hosting of the “International Technology Excellence Congress in Process & Pharmaceutical Industry,” which was recently held on the CEIBS campus in Shanghai from April 17 – 18, 2007. The congress, which is set to become a joint annual event from this year onward, featured leading international experts from the chemical and pharmaceutical sectors.

“The cooperation with the China Europe International Business School, China’s leading international business school, is a landmark step forward, not only for Bayer Technology Services in China, but also in the continuing development of the chemical and pharmaceutical sectors,” said Dr. Armin Knors, head of BTES, at the congress, which attracted more than 150 participants from the chemical industry and leading universities. “These industries are likely to play a critical role in the ongoing growth of China, and we believe that the MOU will facilitate improvements in practices and procedures, both from a technological perspective and also in terms of the knowledge and expertise that workers in these sectors will need to have.”

The planned cooperation under the five-year agreement is just the latest stage in the sustained growth of Bayer Technology Services in the Asia-Pacific region. In recent years, the company as carried out a range of complex, cutting edge projects in China.

Dr. Rolf Cremer, Dean of the China Europe International Business School, said: “Our mission is to provide an understanding of international business management practices and how these can be applied in China. Our relationship with Bayer Technology Services means that we will be able to work closely with an acknowledged industry leader to help advance best practice in the chemical and pharmaceutical sectors in China.”

CEIBS was established in Shanghai on November 8, 1994 and is the leading China-based international business school. Its main objective is the contribute to the economic development of this country and its business communities. It does this by offering MBA students, top managers and senior executives of companies operating in, or planning to enter, China the latest knowledge and a thorough understanding of current practices in international management, helping participants to adapt them successfully to their own business environment. Based on its own campus in Pudong, Shanghai, the school is a not-for-profit joint venture established under an agreement between MOFTEC and the European Commission. CEIBS also has representative offices in Beijing and Shenzhen.

Senior Manager ¨C Risk & Product Control (A Top Investment Bank branch in China)

Our client is the branch of a top-tier wall street global investment bank in China. Located in Beijing, they are actively expanding their China business operation and have newly created the following vacancies

This is a combined Risk control and Product control role within the Controllers Division. The role will report to both the Chief Financial Officer and Chief Risk officer
The primary functions of the Risk Control is to control and monitor Operational and other risks in accordance with the rules and regulations in China, as well as the firm¡¯s policies
The primary functions of Product Control is to effect day to day financial management of trading activity in the firms proprietary accounts.

Principal Duties and Responsibilities:
• Assist Chief Risk Officer in all aspects of risk monitoring and controlling for the firm
• Daily monitoring of risk management system’s alerts, and follow up on issues with Operations, Compliance, Sales and Traders
• Daily monitoring of proprietary positions against various risks measures and limits
• Participate in all new projects/business and help consider risk angles
• Confidently interact with regulators and auditors
• Intelligently review trading businesses, to highlight and report unusual activity
• Prepare daily p&ls for trading desks, including a review of inventory valuation, and limits
• Stay informed of developments and issues in the trading area
• Month end procedures including prepare accounts and post to firm’s ledger
• Liaise with various departments
• Work closely with other areas within Controllers, both in China, Hong Kong, and globally, as well as with other divisions

Knowledge and Skills:
• Fluent Chinese and good English speaking/writing skills (risk management system is in Chinese, and interacting with regulators will be in Chinese)
• Excellent communication skills, both written and oral
• Have a good understanding of securities business, products, operational flow, and associated risks
• Team player
• Strong character, able to work under pressure, and relatively independently
• Self confidence to interact with demanding internal clients
• Computer literate and highly numerate
• Ideally have 4 years+ experience in Big 4 accounting and/or the financial industry
• Previous experience in Risk Control functions in PRC, Operations and/or Product Control are a plus


Very competitive package for qualified candidate
If you are interested in other wall-street top-tier investment banking jobs other than the one listed above in China, please email us your CV as well. Our banking/finance recruiting team will get in touch with you once we find a matching opportunity for you.

DaCare Consulting is the leading banking/financial executive search firm in China. Register your resume at our talent center: today.

We are actively looking for following senior executives stationed in mainland China for our global clients:

 CFO, Controller
 Internal Auditors
 Sr. Executive – Risk Control
 Sr. Executive – Operation
 Sr. Executive – IPO
 Sr. Executive – Product (FX, EQ, IR)
 Banking IT executive

* Please send us your complete resume (both in Chinese and in English) to:
‘'(Please replace “#” with “@”)

Manager, China Operations (A Top Investment Bank branch in China)

Global Operations is responsible for ensuring that all settlement and clearing activities for equities and fixed income related transactions are completed in a timely fashion with no flaws. The team is also responsible for cash management and reconciliation functions to ensure sufficient control is in place to identify issues. In order to conduct our daily operations, our staff relies on good understanding of both equities and fixed income products and knowledge of the securities market infrastructure, understanding of market rule and regulations. Given the dynamic nature of the businesses, Global Operations collaborates with business areas, to define solutions to support new products and to continuously improve processes and reduce risks through the application of technology and analytical techniques.

The candidate will be part of the regional Payment and Control team and will have primary responsibilities in Treasury functions. The candidate will also participate in the logistic planning of initial public offerings led by the firm

Principal Duties and Responsibilities:
-Day-to-day cash management
-Funds reconciliations to maintain the integrity between internal records versus -external records
-Issues analysis and resolution through working with banks, controllers, trade -processing team and IT
-Ensure all treasury-related processes adhere to internal policy as well as external rules and regulation
-Work with Corporate Treasury and other relevant departments to explore funding opportunities

Knowledge and Skills:
-Knowledge in Initial Public Offering process
-Organized, ability to set priorities as well as multi-tasking
-Good attention to details / ability to work under pressure and to meet deadlines
-Good communication skills (verbal and written) for both English and Chinese (Putonghua)
-Good interpersonal skills with good analytical abilities
-Client-service oriented; ability to clarify and understand internal client needs, efficiently and effectively respond to business queries
-Prior experience in Operations or Initial Public Offering process: 1-2 years preferred
-Bachelors Degree required
-Location in Beijing

Very competitive package for qualified candidate
If you are interested in other wall-street top-tier investment banking jobs other than the one listed above in China, please email us your CV as well. Our banking/finance recruiting team will get in touch with you once we find a matching opportunity for you.

DaCare Consulting is the leading banking/financial executive search firm in China. Register your resume at our talent center: today.

We are actively looking for following senior executives stationed in mainland China for our global clients:

 CFO, Controller
 Internal Auditors
 Sr. Executive – Risk Control
 Sr. Executive – Operation
 Sr. Executive – IPO
 Sr. Executive – Product (FX, EQ, IR)
 Banking IT executive

* Please send us your complete resume (both in Chinese and in English) to:
‘'(Please replace “#” with “@”)