Archives 2006

America¡¯s Job Bank Gets Laid Off

The Labor Department sent a notice to state officials earlier this year saying the benefits of America¡¯s Job Bank “no longer outweigh the costs of operating and maintaining this system. Therefore, AJB will be phased out during the next 18 months and cease to be operational on June 30, 2007.”

The notice argued that maintaining and improving the site no longer makes sense “given that AJB duplicates what is already available in the private sector.”

That logic rings true to Peter Weddle, recruiting analyst and executive director of the International Association of Employment Web Sites industry group. Weddle says the Labor Department is wise to shutter America’s Job Bank because it replicates services offered by a range of private-sector sites. These include sites targeted at lower-wage and blue-collar workers, says Weddle, whose association includes the major job boards, and Yahoo HotJobs.

“Why should the government duplicate what the private sector is providing already?” Weddle says.

But shutting down America¡¯s Job Bank will be a major blow to employers and job seekers, says Gerry Crispin, co-founder of job-site consulting firm CareerXroads. Crispin says the site has been a way to aggregate all the job postings of some 2,000 state employment offices around the country, giving smaller, local employers the ability to broadcast their jobs nationwide for free. And the AJB site is often used by lower-skilled people who turn to state employment offices, he says. Those people may have to rely on a fragmented network of state job sites or private-sector job boards that will not have all the job listings that employers currently give to America¡¯s Job Bank, Crispin says.

“We are basically losing a public resource that provides job seekers a more convenient and easy way to identify the employers who were local and had smaller budgets,” he says.

America¡¯s Job Bank dates to 1995, and the free site currently lists more than 2.1 million jobs and more than 682,000 r¨¦sum¨¦s. But it has been criticized as difficult to use. The Labor Department said in a notice that the cost of operating AJB has been as high as $27 million a year, but that “AJB has not been able to keep up with private-sector job boards or industry standards regarding up-to-date technology.”

The slated closure of America¡¯s Job Bank could force both companies and states to change the way they do business. Idaho, for example, enticed employers to list jobs on its state job bank with the promise that the listings would get on the better-known America¡¯s Job Bank site.

“We¡¯ve used the national distribution of job postings through AJB as a promotion,” says Bob Fick, communications manager at the Idaho Commerce and Labor Department.

America¡¯s Job Bank also has been used by companies as a way to abide by the guidelines of the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, Weddle wrote in an online newsletter last month.

“Because this site was operated in conjunction with state employment agencies and open to all U.S. citizens, posting an opening there was a de facto commitment by the organization to consider any qualified person, regardless of their race, ethnicity, age, gender, religion or sexual orientation,” Weddle wrote. “The openings may have also been posted on other job boards or on the employer¡¯s own Web site, but as long as candidates from America¡¯s Job Bank were considered, the government was (usually) content that the company had made a conscientious effort at compliance.”

An alternative for demonstrating a good-faith effort at EEOC compliance, Weddle wrote, is posting jobs on a variety of sites, including general-purpose employment sites and “diversity” sites such as those that specialize in candidates of a particular race.

The notice sent to state officials said that during the past two years, the Labor Department’s Employment and Training Administration had reviewed and evaluated the ongoing viability of maintaining a national job site. “Since the launch of AJB, the number of private-sector Internet-based job boards (Career Builder, Monster, Yahoo! Hot Jobs, etc.) has proliferated, calling into question the need for a Federal government-sponsored job board,” the notice said.

The notice, titled “The Phase Out of America¡¯s Job Bank,” also said: “The cost of operating AJB has been as high as $27 million per year, with a current operating budget for maintenance-only of $12 million per year¡­ . The cost to maintain AJB and constantly upgrade the foundational technology and make improvements to the site is no longer justifiable given that AJB duplicates what is already available in the private sector.”

The notice said the Labor Department has developed an initial transition plan “to ensure that states and other entities, which currently utilize the AJB platform as part of their suite of services, are able to plan and make changes accordingly.”

It also indicated that the federal government could contract with a private-sector employment Web site to create some kind of national job board in the future.

“The (Labor) Department recognizes there will be a periodic need for a national job board due to unique circumstances, such as the recent dislocations related to the hurricanes in the Gulf Coast,” the notice said. “It is the Department¡¯s assessment that it will be more cost effective to contract for this type of service with the private sector on an ¡®as needed basis.¡¯ ”

In addition to the notice, the Labor Department also sent state officials a set of questions and answers about the phase-out.

Workforce Management received copies of the two documents from Ted Daywalt, president of private-sector job board VetJobs. Daywalt said he received them from a contact who works in the U.S. Labor Department, and that the documents were sent to state officials. Daywalt declined to identify his contact.

The U.S. Labor Department confirmed the documents were authentic and sent to state workforce administrators in March. In a statement, the department also said a conference call on the subject was held with state workforce administrators on March 17. The department did not respond to a request for further comment.

Although the demise of AJB amounts to a headache for Idaho state officials, it is a relatively minor one, Fick says. Of greater concern, he says, are cutbacks in federal grants for programs such as unemployment insurance and workforce training. “It¡¯s another problem, but in a long list of problems,” he says.

In Crispin¡¯s opinion, the loss of America¡¯s Job Bank adds to the economic insecurities faced by many Americans, and is likely the result of political lobbying.

“It¡¯s simple greed on the part of job boards and newspapers who have always feared that a free site will hurt them,” he says.

Weddle, though, says he had no knowledge that the decision to close America’s Job Bank was based on any lobbying. He also noted that there still are other free job-posting sites, such as Craigslist.

Weddle gives the government credit for launching the site more than a decade ago and helping to spark the online job board field. “It was so successful that it spawned a $2 billion industry,” he says.

4th Chinese private enterprise summit opens in east China

HANGZHOU, Nov. 4 (Xinhua) — The fourth Chinese Private Enterprise Summit, the largest of its kind in China, opened Saturday in east China’s Zhejiang Province.

More than 3,000 private entrepreneurs both at home and abroad attended the two-day summit held in Hangzhou, the provincial capital.

With the theme of “Innovation, Credibility and Harmony”, the summit had a series of forums on innovation, real estate development and Chinese private entrepreneurs.

“Weakness in innovation and enterprise management now hinder the development of private enterprises in China,” said Jiang Zhenghua, vice-chairman of the National People’s Congress Standing Committee, China’s top legislature, at the opening ceremony.

Chinese private enterprises should make use of the opportunities in globalization and nurture their own brands on the basis of good management, he said.

The summit was sponsored by the Private Economic Studies Centerunder the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, Zhejiang Provincial Administration for Industry and Commerce, and Zhejiang Private (Non-Governmental) Enterprises’ Association.

A key sector in the province’s economy, private enterprises hold 90 percent of jobs and 70 percent of the gross domestic product in Zhejiang. Enditem

China to provide 500,000 USD for human resource development in Central Asia

China will give half a million U.S. dollars to Central Asian countries to support their human resources development, said China’s Vice Finance Minister Li Yong.

The money will come from the Regional Cooperation and Poverty Reduction Fund (RC Fund) set up by China at the Asian Development Bank (ADB), said Li at the Ministerial Conference on Central Asia Regional Economic Cooperation (CAREC) in Urumqi.

“China actively supports regional economic cooperation in Central Asia,” said Li.

China provides technological aid for the area’s agricultural development, environmental protection and capacity building through the RC Fund, and supports cooperation in prevention and control of AIDS and bird flu, said Li.

China is committed to providing 20 million U.S. dollars to Central Asian countries between 2005 and 2009. It established the RC Fund last March to promote regional cooperation in reducing poverty among the developing member countries of the ADB.

In June 2004, China gave Kyrgyzstan 60 million yuan (7.5 billion U.S. dollars) in aid to build a 937-kilometer highway linking the country with China and Uzbekistan.

From 2006 to 2008, the ADB, together with the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development, the International Monetary Fund, the Islamic Development Bank, the United Nations Development Program and the World Bank, will invest 2.3 billion U.S. dollars in regional transport, energy and trade infrastructure in Central Asia, with 1.4 billion coming from the ADB.

Created by the ADB in 1997, CAREC is a regional cooperation mechanism focusing on transport, trade and energy initiatives that are critical to the economic performance of the region.

It is also financing infrastructure projects in order to improve living standards and reduce poverty in CAREC countries.

Source: Xinhua

China to encourage investment from green companies

The Chinese government is to encourage more foreign investment in energy-saving and environmentally-friendly industries, Vice Minister of Commerce Ma Xiuhong has said.

The government would also make more efforts to optimize the industrial structure of foreign investment, said Ma.

Foreign investors have invested 665 billion US dollars in China in the past 27 years, Ma said. By the end of last September, China had recorded capital from over 200 countries and regions and more than 800 research centers have been established by foreign companies.

Foreign investment played an important role in China’s economy, with taxes from foreign firms contributing 634.9 billion yuan (80.36 billion US dollars) last year, 21 percent of the country’s total tax revenue.

By the end of last year, foreign-invested companies were employing more than 25 million people, accounting for 11 percent of China’s total jobs.

Foreign companies are also encouraged to set up regional headquarters as well as purchase, logistics and training centers in China.

China-Africa trade expected to top US$100 bln

China and Africa should fully tap cooperation potential and strive to bring their trade volume to US$100 billion by 2010, Premier Wen Jiabao proposed here Saturday afternoon at the High-level Dialogue and 2nd Conference of Chinese and African Entrepreneurs.

The figure will more than double the 2005 level, about $39.7 billion. In the first nine months, China-Africa trade surged to $40.6 billion, up 42% year-on-year.

“Although China’s trade has been running a deficit against Africa in recent years, China still hopes to further expand its import from African countries,” Wen said.

At the opening ceremony Saturday morning of the Beijing Summit of Forum on China-Africa Cooperation, Chinese President Hu Jintao made fresh pledges to facilitate bilateral trade and cooperation, saying China will double its aid to Africa by 2009, increase from 190 to over 440 the number of tariff-free import items from the least developed African countries having diplomatic ties with China.

China will also provide 3 billion dollars in preferential loans and $2 billion of export credits over the next three years and establish a special fund of $5 billion to encourage Chinese investment in Africa.

Calling these measures “pragmatic and simulative,” Wen made five proposals to entrepreneurs from both and Africa.

He said both sides should work closer in service sectors, tourism, finance and telecommunications in particular, to cultivate new economic growth points and facilitate trade in a more balanced and healthier manner.

Wen said China would encourage capable and reputed indigenous companies to invest in Africa and spread their technology and management experiences. “We will also encourage capable Chinese companies to invest in the trade and economic cooperation zones inAfrica,” he said.

“African companies interested in investing in China are welcome,” Wen said.

China: chief editor of youth daily replaced

Another personnel reshuffle has taken place in Zhongguo Qingnian Bao, a daily directly under the Communist Youth League [CYL] Central Committee. Chief Editor Li Erliang has been transferred and the vacancy has been filled by Deputy Editor Chen Xiaochuan. Reportedly, the removal of Li Erliang from office is directly related to the Bingdian incident earlier this year.

The transfer is seen as an attempt by the authorities to “put an end” to the incident that evoked the “serious concern” of the media overseas. It has been reported that the authorities are disappointed by the “trouble” caused by Li Erliang and his failure to properly handle the incident.
The decision was “announced internally” and not made public to the agency.

Li Erliang failed to impose final checks and accommodated his subordinates, which resulted in Bingdian Weekly publishing a series of sensitive articles last year. They include a lengthy piece by Taiwan writer Lung Ying-tai drawing a comparison of democracy on both sides of the Taiwan Straits and deliberately underrating the CPC, an essay exposing Zhongnanhai law academics of winning popularity by deception, and an article by Yuan Weishi, professor of Guangzhou Zhongshan University, on modern history that expressed views different from those of the authorities.

Earlier this year, Bingdian Weekly published an article by Yuan Weishi exploring modern history and criticizing the CPC’s education system. The move caused a sensation and upset the authorities. As a result, Bingdian Chief Editor Li Datong and Deputy Editor Lu Yaogang were both removed from office.

Source: Ming Pao website, Hong Kong (in Chinese) through BBC Monitoring

HONG KONG: Brilliance China CFO quits

Brilliance China Automotive Holdings said chief financial officer Zha Jianping had resigned, effective immediately, to be replaced by Lei Xiaoyang, an executive director of the company.

The Hong Kong holding company told Dow Jones Zha was also finance chief and director of Brilliance’s Shenyang XingYuanDong Automobile Component and director of Shenyang Brilliance JinBei Automobile.

Brilliance China said Zha confirmed he has no disagreement with the board, Dow Jones noted.

Goldman Sachs China venture loses COO to Standard Chartered – report

BEIJING (XFN-ASIA) – The chief operating officer of Goldman Sachs Group Inc’s China joint venture – Goldman Sachs Gaohua Securities – has quit the firm to join Standard Chartered PLC in Singapore, the Wall Street Journal reportedd, citing a Standard Chartered spokeswoman.

Joe Stevens will start work as group head of principal finance for Standard Chartered on Dec 1, the Hong Kong newspaper reported.

Goldman Sachs Group owns a 33 pct stake in Goldman Sachs Gaohua Securities.

Simmons appoints China chief

Simmons & Simmons managing partner Mark Dawkins has finally appointed a new China regional managing partner. Hong Kong head of financial services Paul Li was handed the post, which was left open by the departure of Huen Wong plus four other partners to launch the first local office of Fried Frank Harris Shriver & Jacobson. Dawkins said Li’sappointment marked a “restabilisation” of Simmons’ regional teams. The firm now has to fill the partner headcount depleted by the exodus to Fried Frank.

Yahoo China appoints new general manager -sources

SHANGHAI, Oct 18 (Reuters) – Yahoo China has appointed Xie Wen, former CEO of financial Web portal Hexun.coma, as its new general manager, sources said on Wednesday.

The appointment was effective on Tuesday, one source confirmed. Yahoo China’s former general manager, Tian Jian, is now vice president of Alibaba’s M&A department and will be in charge of the company’s strategic investment and acquisitions.

Yahoo Inc.’s (YHOO.O: Quote, Profile, Research) main China business consists of a 40 percent stake in that it bought last year for $1 billion. As part of the landmark deal, Yahoo Inc. folded its previous China business into Alibaba. (Additional reporting by George Chen)