Archives November 2006

Investing in China’s banking system requires act of faith

BANKERS and lawyers who operate in Beijing came down to earth with a thump last week. For months, they were the kings of town as they bunkered down to prepare the record $US21.9 billion ($28.46 billion) listing of Industrial & Commercial Bank of China.
With the job done (for shared fees of $US400 million), the advisers find themselves lower down the pecking order: behind important visitors such as African heads of state, 48 of whom arrived for the weekend’s China-Africa “summit”.

To allow African delegations easy movement, Beijing’s authorities closed major roads and much else, creating traffic that has trapped bankers (and yours truly) in jams across the city. While the importance of advisers may have dropped, the share prices of Chinese banks continue to defy gravity.

The stock prices of ICBC, Bank of China, China Construction Bank and China Merchants Bank have all risen handsomely since floating, as shareholders gamble that lenders have reformed and will benefit from continuing double-digit economic growth. But how long before investor optimism falls?

China’s largest banks have listed in near-perfect conditions, against a backdrop of record global liquidity. On the mainland, corporate profits are high, inflation is tame and economic growth is stable. In spite of the reforms, banks face little real competition and enjoy juicy spreads between deposit and lending rates.

It was only two years ago that bad loans at ICBC represented 21 per cent of the portfolio. Only gigantic re-capitalisations and loan write-offs by the state have enabled the large banks to become solvent.

Imagine the scale. ICBC runs 18,000 branches nationwide, some with managers friendly to the capital requirements of local industrialists. Investors are betting that banks’ internal risk management culture and systems have, overnight, become sophisticated enough to stop poor lending or downright fraud.

In the words of Hong Kong governance activist David Webb, China has taken out the bad loans but has it taken out the bad lenders? Investors got a reminder of the not-too-distant past yesterday when it was announced that the former head of China Construction Bank had been given 15 years’ jail for taking $US500,000 in bribes to arrange loans.

Zhang Enzhao abruptly quit in June 2005, four months before CCB became the first of China’s big state-owned lenders to list in Hong Kong.

In short, it is remarkable that China’s biggest banks have raised tens of billions of dollars from international and domestic investors, given that their recent trading history has been so abysmal and the banking sector is so immature.

The banking system remains deficient in several key respects, such as proven risk management. The banks have entered a new world, where they also have to tackle market risks such as foreign exchange and interest rate volatility.

China’s legal environment is not mature enough, with huge improvements required in areas such as classification of property rights. The country has no independent ombudsman to adjudicate on consumer banking disputes.

Corporate governance within banks is largely untested, despite their efforts to hire independent non-executive directors.

While the banks have indeed been listed, the state retains about 80 per cent of the stock in each company. Will the state be a passive or active investor?

The Government wants banks to cool lending to prevent over-investment. But what if the banks have a commercial desire to create shareholder value by expanding lending?

Inside each bank is a Communist Party-controlled committee whose role is largely opaque. Banking executives claim that the chief role of the committees is to help enforce “discipline” among staff. Investors will have to take their word for it.

There is also a need to improve training, attract fresh talent and introduce performance targets and incentive schemes.

There is little doubt that the banks have made huge improvements compared with just two years ago. They have not felt ashamed to summon outside help, be it from McKinsey or foreign strategic partners such as Bank of America and Royal Bank of Scotland.

However, investors are either ignoring the risks in the rush for a fast buck or calculating that they can sell at the first sign of a slowdown.

Hong Kong-based Jing Ulrich, JP Morgan’s star China equity-watcher, remains bullish on Chinese banks – in the short term. She says cash-rich global investors remain desperate to increase their China exposure.

But she also says many fund managers are judged on a quarterly basis and so could hardly miss out on the likes of ICBC. Quite.

US firms in China face skills shortage

BEIJING – A skills shortage has emerged as the top challenge for US companies operating in China, according to a report from the American Chamber of Commerce in Shanghai.

The 2006 China Business Report was released on Wednesday after the organization polled 274 member companies throughout China.

Charles Mo, who heads human resources at the Chamber of Commerce, said the skills shortage had, for the first time in five years, overtaken bureaucracy as the No 1 headache for US companies in China.

“The vast majority of US companies said their China operations were suffering from challenges in recruiting capable Chinese managers and retaining them,” Mo said.

They account for about 80% of those companies polled. The scarcity of entry-level and clerical staff has also had a negative impact on US companies.

“Controlling salary increases was also a problem for 82% of the companies,” Mo said.

Mo said the growth in operations in China had outpaced the supply of desirable staff.

“US companies have to fight for talent against international and domestic competitors,” Mo said.

Bureaucracy, lack of transparency and inconsistent regulatory interpretation were the second-biggest challenge facing US companies, the report showed. These challenges, along with other factors, are squeezing the profit margins of US companies in China, according to the report.

More than half of those firms polled said their China margins were threatened by price pressure from domestic competitors, price pressure from major customers, or changes in salary and wages in China. These factors have affected the bottom line of many US companies.

While half of those polled saw improved profitability in 2005 over 2004, most saw profit margins increase by less than 10%, and only a quarter reported higher margins for China than for their worldwide operations.

Nevertheless, US companies are clearly bullish about China, and the country is a priority for many. When describing their five-year business outlook in China, 94% of those polled were either “slightly optimistic” or “optimistic”. And 79% were more optimistic about their business outlook in 2006 than a year before.

(Asia Pulse/XIC)

EA Names New Asia President

Electronic Arts (Nasdaq: ERTS) China president Erick Hachkenburg resigned in early September, reports 21st Century Business Herald. The newly named EA Asia president Hubert Larenaudie will replace Hachkenburg. Larenaudie was the president of Vivendi Universal Games Asia prior to joining EA. According to rumors, The9 (Nasdaq: NCTY) is the front runner to license EA’s FIFA soccer due to Larenaudie’s close relationship with The9 during his tenure at Vivendi. [Some online versions of the report were missing a paragraph, which may lead to the wrong assumption that EA will license its racing game Tales Runner to The9. .ed]

Assistant Finance Manager

Company introduction:
Our company is dedicated to produce water conservation products that will be used in residential and commercial sectors. The company and its subsidiary brands enjoy the largest residential market of North America; and its market share of other parts of the world continues to increase with our top quality products, outstanding customer service and aggressive marketing effort.

1.College degree in Accounting (with minimum GPA of 3.0 Chinese equivalent), preferably with a professional certification
2.Min. 5 years experience in accounting (including 3 years as supervisor)
3.Very strong knowledge of both Financial Accounting (US GAAP & International Accounting Standards) and Cost Accounting concepts (cost flow assumptions, standard costing, variance analysis, costed bills of material, MRP & MPS, shift reporting, inventory control, etc)
4.Able to communicate well both in English and Chinese
5.Working experience of ERP systems and accounting software
6.Strong in MS Office products (Excel, Word, Powerpoint, Outlook, etc)
7.Very familiar with Chinese tax regulations and reporting requirements (including federal, local, and value-added taxes).
8.Experience in banking for WFOE, such as RMB accounts and foreign currency accounts; preferably with working experience with American or Sino-American companies in China
9.Meticulous and excellent with procedures (follow and update)
10.Honest, diligent, personable and team player

* Please send us your complete resume (both in Chinese and in English)to: ‘’

Intel to train 1 million Chinese teachers

Chinanews, Beijing, November 3 ¨C Intel announced yesterday that it will help train 1 million Chinese teachers in the field of information technology to enable them to improve their teaching quality.

Intel has already helped with the training of about 72 thousand Chinese teachers and a large number of undergraduates.

This is Intel¡¯s biggest educational project ever, which will work as a supplement to its current educational cooperation program with the Ministry of Education.

Besides the training project, Intel will donate 10,000 PCs to schools in Chinese rural areas. With the help of Microsoft software and the effort of the MOE, all these PCs will be able to get access to the Internet before 2008. MOE will also provide courseware programs to these schools.

¡°Now our cooperation with the MOE is complete,¡± said Craig Barrett, CEO of Intel. Wu Qidi, Vice Minister of Education, was vocal in expressing China gratitude to the company.

Hollywood to conquer Chinese home video market

Chinanews, Beijing, November 3 ¨C After its huge success in hitting box offices in China, Hollywood is ready to take Chinese home video market too.

Now Hollywood is working hard to release more DVDs in China. Currently at least 8,000 DVD shops have been set up in the country, and the number is likely to grow to 10,000 before 2007.

China¡¯s successful campaign against piracy has drawn Hollywood¡¯s attention and put its confidence back. Furthermore, the huge market needs for movies must be met after the eradication of pirated ones, thus it is a golden opportunity for copyrighted works to take their shares at reasonable prices.

Fortunately, Hollywood is determined to sell their DVDs at prices based on the consumption level in China, from 15 to 25 yuan.

Sound monetary policy remains key

China will continue to pursue a sound monetary policy, which will be more closely linked to its industry, taxation and foreign exchange policies, a top central bank official said Thursday.”

In order to maintain stable and healthy national economic growth, we will continue to stick to a sound monetary policy,” Su Ning, deputy governor of the People’s Bank of China, said yesterday.

“And we will seek more and effective co-ordination with industry, taxation and foreign exchange policies when drafting our monetary policies,” the deputy central bank governor said, without elaborating.

The central bank would continue, as it did before, to employ a host of measures to curb expansive money supply and credit growth.

The measures may include open market operations, as well as interest rate and bank reserve ratio adjustment, Su told the BusinessWeek CEO Forum in Beijing.

The central bank has so far raised the interest rate twice and bank reserve ratio deposits that commercial banks are required to make with the central bank once this year in a bid to cool the sizzling economy.

Su said that macroeconomic tightening measures had already succeeded in reining in red-hot economic growth.

The Chinese economy grew 10.9 per cent in the first half of this year, with this growth slowing to 10.4 per cent in the third quarter.

But the economy still faces several challenges if it is to maintain robust yet healthy growth, Su said, pointing to slumping consumption, the soaring trade surplus and escalating fixed-assets investment.

The overall proportion of consumer spending in the national economy has been on a downward spiral for some time, which may pose problems for economic development, Su told the forum.

The proportion, Su said, has slid from 62 per cent in the 1980s to 52 per cent last year.

Problems related to the international balance of payments remain serious, with the foreign trade surplus continuing to soar this year, he said.

And the risk still remains that fixed-assets investment, which is “still bigger than it should be,” may rebound again, as local governments and enterprises continue to invest more money in projects, the deputy central bank governor said.

China’s fixed-assets investment grew by a spectacular 29.8 per cent in the first half of this year and increased 27.3 per cent in the first nine months of 2006.

The central bank, Su said, will put expanding domestic consumption high on its policy agenda.

The bank will also work to improve the credit structure, Su said.

Google seen setting up China joint venture with by yrend – report

BEIJING (XFN-ASIA) – Google Inc is expected to set up a new China joint venture with by the end of the year, in order to qualify under Chinese rules governing Internet Content Provider (ICP) licensing, reported, citing an unidentified source.

The two companies have already started recruiting staff for the joint venture, the report said.

The rules bar foreign companies from providing Internet services in China without an ICP license.

Google has a partnership with, using the latter’s ICP license to operate the service in China.

Skilled labor shortage in China

U.S. companies in China continue to make some nice profits, but they are increasingly finding that it’s difficult to staff their operations there with qualified workers. Ruth Kirchner reports.

SCOTT JAGOW: U.S. companies in China have a staffing problem: They can’t find the right people to work for them. Ruth Kirchner reports from Beijing.

RUTH KIRCHNER: For the first time in five years, the skills shortage has emerged as the No. 1 headache for companies doing business in China.

The American Chamber of Commerce says recruiting and retaining capable Chinese managers has become a real problem. Even finding suitable entry-level staff is difficult.

Most experts put the blame squarely on the Chinese education system which does not teach independent thinking or real-world skills.

Andrew Grant of McKinsey says China’s university system needs a radical overhaul .
ANDREW GRANT: “A lot of learning is very individual in the Chinese system. There’s not a lot of learning in teams, which again is much more akin to real life and what we particularly see in business where you’re solving problems in teams”.
Grant says the universities churn out millions of graduates every year, but only a tiny fraction has the skills to work for international companies.

In Beijing, I’m Ruth Kirchner for Marketplace.

Legal Manager

Company Introduction:
The Company is a global management consulting, technology services and outsourcing company. Committed to delivering innovation, the company collaborates with its clients to help them become high-performance businesses and governments. With deep industry and business process expertise, broad global resources and a proven track record, the company can mobilize the right people, skills, and technologies to help clients improve their performance

Job Description:
The Legal and Commercial business practice provides and manages all legal advice and support to this company. Legal and Commercial aims to give objective, focused, practical advice and solutions based on an understanding of the law and X’s business, which is essential in a competitive marketplace. The Legal and Commercial teams work closely with each engagement to find ways to maximize revenue and manage risk and to ensure that the company complies with its contractual obligations.
The Field Operations and Contract Management teams work closely with the company operating and capability groups to obtain good commercial arrangements, review and counsel new offerings, support the company’s alliances and Business Process Outsourcing businesses, develop package knowledge and ensure contract agreements are upheld.

1.Representing company’s interests and interfacing directly with client counsel and negotiating teams;
2.Drafting, reviewing and negotiating a broad range of contracts for medium to complex engagements;
3.Strategizing with company executives prior to client negotiations;
4.Helping develop, and understand, risk mitigation strategies for contractual risks;
5.Structuring client transactions to be most advantageous from a legal and business perspective;
6.Counseling, advising, and consulting company executives based on accurate interpretation of contract documents and the facts of a business opportunity;
7.Developing internal guidelines, toolkits, and packaged knowledge on various legal and business issues;
8.Overseeing, counseling, guiding, training and supporting junior transactional lawyers if required;
9.Managing external legal support, if required;
10.Staying abreast of legal developments affecting the company, its clients, and industries and synthesizing the information to incorporate it into company’s transactional practices;
11.Educating company executives in regard to legal and risk management issues;
12.Developing subject matter expertise in one of more areas that benefit legal and commercial and/or our business (e.g., corporation law, competition law, employment law, data privacy, and service line expertise);
13.Supporting, promoting and implementing initiatives as part of Legal & Commercial executive team;
14.Escalating variances from contracting policy or unusual risks;

External Relationships:
1.Client Counsel, Client Executives, Outside Counsel;
2.5+ years transactional experience in relevant areas in roles with increasing responsibility, preferably in a law firm or in a fast-paced corporate/legal transaction group, ideally for an IT services vendor;
3.Sound knowledge of Chinese Law and a desirable LLM in a US or UK university;
4.Good business acumen;
5.Prior experience working in a fast-paced legal or corporate environment;
6.Ability to meet travel requirements, when applicable;
7.Good understanding of Finance and Accounting principles;
8.Capable of delivering good work product with supervision;
9.Committed with the company’s and L&C success.

1.In-depth experience negotiating and resolving Intellectual Property and other complex commercial contractual issues;
2.Proven ability to efficiently manage a large volume of transactions;
3.Ability to be flexible and work in a problem-solving environment;
4.Excellent communication (written and oral) and interpersonal skills;
5.Strong organizational, multi-tasking, time-management and analytical skills;
6.Excellent negotiation, influence and collaboration skills;
7.Fluent in English.

* Please send us your complete resume (both in Chinese and in English) to: ‘’