20 Bad Workplace Habits

20 Bad Workplace Habits

Marshall Goldsmith is a famous executive coach, who has worked with more than 80 CEO¡¯s in the world¡¯s top corporations. He has a fabulous new book out called What Got You Here Won¡¯t Get You There. Actually, the title is not very descriptive, but the subtitle says it all: 20 workplace habits you need to break. It¡¯s a content-rich, well-written book.

While Goldsmith warns against self-diagnosis, I found the list incredibly helpful (even though I am not and never will be a CEO.) The practical, real world advice he provides for conquering these bad habits is immensely useful. Here¡¯s his list of bad habits:

1.The need to win each time
2.The overwhelming desire to add our two cents to every discussion
3.The need to pass judgment on others
4.Needless sarcasm and cutting comments
5.Starting with ¡°no¡±, ¡°But¡±, ¡°However¡±
6.Need to show how smart we are
7.Speaking when angry
8.Negativity: the need to share negative thoughts even when not asked
Withholding Information
9.Failing to Give Proper recognition
10.Claiming credit we don¡¯t deserve
11.Making excuses
12.Clinging to the past
13.Playing favorites
14.Refusing to express regret
15.Not listening
16.Failing to express gratitude
17.Punishing the messenger
18.Passing the buck
19.An excessive need to be ¡°me¡±: exalting our faults as virtues simply because 20.they¡¯re who we are